The main purpose of the knee joint is to ensure normal motor activity of the lower limb and to achieve a stable position of the trunk. In this case, this part of the body is assigned the most important role - participation in the processes of flexion and extension of the extremities.
Despite the complex structure and sufficient strength of this joint, it can be subject to injuries, thermal effects, physical overloads, various complications due to chronic infectious processes and, as a result, serious inflammatory processes with an increased likelihood of movement limitations and accumulation. exudate. To prevent such unwanted manifestations, it is recommended to immediately contact a qualified specialist for a detailed diagnosis and the development of a competent treatment plan.
The knee is the most complex and largest joint in the human body.
The knee joint is seriously stressed every day. It is responsible for the process of flexion and extension of the lower limb, supports the weight of the person and ensures its stable position. The knee allows us to walk, jump, run, crouch and turn.

The ability to perform these actions is ensured by the following components:
- Tendons;
- Bones;
- cartilage;
- Ligaments and muscles.
This explains why knee joint pain can occur in people of any age group. We can talk about effective treatment and full recovery only after the cause of the disease is discovered.
Reasons why knees hurt
Thus, the knee joint has an important role in the human body: it is responsible for the motor activity of the leg, keeps the body in a stable position and supports the person's weight. Moreover, the knee has a complex structure, represented by several interconnected elements.
If a person has knee pain and is trying to find a solution, what to do, first of all, it is necessary to find out the factors that cause discomfort. As a rule, the causes of the disease are the same for all situations.
The risk factors are identical in almost all cases: musculofascial dysfunction. This leads to significant tension, which causes compression and destruction of the cartilage. As a result, a person begins to feel unpleasant sensations, signaling damage to the knee joint, and begins to look for a way to eliminate the pathological process.

An injury
If you don't know what to do when your knees hurt, pay attention - the reasons may be hidden in a joint injury. It is a part of the body that is injured more often than others. As a result, joint dysfunction occurs, which is accompanied by pain.
Such discomfort may be the result of ligament damage. Representatives of professional sports activities are most often subject to injuries. Also, pain and problems with ligaments can occur in people who do not follow the running technique. Often knee damage occurs as a result of being hit by a ball - during a football game.
It should be noted that such injuries occur quite often. Moreover, discomfort can appear not only during an exacerbation, but also after it.
In the case of a fracture, several bones can be destroyed at once. More often than others, it happens in elderly patients and people susceptible to degenerative pathologies.
In case of severe joint damage, surgical intervention, physiotherapeutic procedures and exercise therapy are performed.

The main purpose of the joint capsule is to ensure easy sliding of the ligaments and improve the work of the knee joint itself. Chronic injuries and unexpected impacts can cause damage and inflammation.
The presence of bursitis is indicated by the following signs: swelling, pain, limitation of motor activity, increased temperature in the knee joint.
If your knees hurt a lot, in order to understand what to do and how to treat this disease, you must first do a detailed diagnosis. Only an individual approach to the problem will allow you to make the correct treatment plan and choose effective drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect. You should also follow a rest regime for the knee joint.
In advanced forms of bursitis, more serious measures are resorted to - surgical intervention and special injections are performed.

It is a movement of the knee cap from its normal position, which is also accompanied by pain of increased intensity.
In this case, only an experienced specialist can answer the question of what to do if there is pain below the knee - after a detailed diagnosis and examination.
In order to identify fractures and make the correct treatment plan, they resort to X-ray examination. In advanced situations, surgical intervention is performed.
A frequent dislocation of the knee joint can cause pain. This is a fairly serious injury that occurs after a strong blow.
Degenerative disorders
One of the frequent pathologies associated with degenerative changes in tissues is osteoarthritis. In this case, the cartilage decreases in size, which is accompanied by impaired motor activity of the joint and pain. As a rule, such pathological processes are caused by changes in the body that occur at the age of 55-65.
Despite the irreversibility of degenerative changes, there are treatments that can deal with the discomfort and improve the quality of life. In advanced forms of the disease, the implant is installed surgically.

Autoimmune diseases
We are talking about inflammatory processes affecting the joints. They are characterized by disturbances in the work of the immune system, due to which it begins to perceive its own tissues as foreign and destroy them.
This process is accompanied by the following unwanted manifestations: swelling, pain and degenerative changes in the joints, erosive lesions of bone tissue.
Taking into account the clinical picture, the specialist will tell you exactly what you should do when your knee joints hurt. As a rule, the patient is recommended to take the following drugs:
- Anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Steroid hormones;
- Antirheumatic drugs and biological agents;
- Analgesics and others.
Salt deposition in the joints
This is a metabolic disease associated with the deposition of uric acid salts in body tissues. The main signs of gout are: severe swelling, limited physical activity and intense pain. In order to break down urate crystals, special drugs are prescribed, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs.
Infectious processes
Even a minor scratch in the knee area can contribute to the spread of the infectious process to nearby tissues and organs, including the joint area.
In people with a weakened immune system, this represents a real danger for the body. That is, any damage to the skin can worsen the condition of such a patient.
What not to do when your knees hurt?
Regardless of the reason why your knees hurt, below we'll tell you what not to do to avoid making the condition worse:

- Avoid knee injuries;
- Avoid foods that contribute to weight gain (fried and fatty foods, confectionery, foods rich in salt, potatoes, sweet carbonated drinks, fast food);
- Avoid any excessive physical activity associated with sports;
- If your knees hurt and you don't know what to do with such discomfort, as the reviews show, it is better to give up addictions (excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoking);
- Avoid wearing tight shoes, avoid high heels;
- Minimize the likelihood of stressful situations;
- Ensure healthy, full sleep;
- Avoid staying in one position for long periods of time.
In which cases is a visit to the doctor necessary?
No medical intervention is required if pain in the knee area is caused by minor skin damage, minor injury or joint deformity. In such situations, self-medication is allowed.
In the case of more difficult processes, it is necessary to visit a specialist immediately. First of all, this is due to the probability of damage to the joint capsule, which can facilitate the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body.
If the consequences of the injury are not removed in time, there may be a loss of functionality of the joint. It is necessary to consult a doctor in the following situations:
- Your knees hurt a lot, and you don't know what to do, what to do;
- The pain syndrome of increased intensity does not disappear for several days;
- There is swelling, redness and fever in the joint area;
- Increase in body temperature;
- Decreased motor activity, bruises.
Experienced specialists carry out a detailed diagnosis of the condition of the knee joint, draw up a detailed treatment plan and select the most effective treatment even for the most advanced pathologies.
Treatment of knee pain
Often people do not know exactly what to do when their knee joints hurt and try to deal with the discomfort on their own. Unfortunately, the uncontrolled use of drugs and the use of special ointments can give the opposite result.
Rapid pain relief requires an integrated approach. Within it, not only medicines are used, but also physiotherapeutic interventions and special orthopedic devices are used. These include knee braces and braces, which help prevent the likelihood of recurrence and ensure a quicker recovery period.
Medication use
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid hormones, vasodilators and chondroprotectors are prescribed for pain relief. Specialists prescribe painkillers with great caution, because they do not allow them to determine the actual condition of the knee joint. Then we will talk in more detail about the drugs used:

- NSAIDs.Since eliminating the inflammatory process and pain is the key task for discomfort in the knee area, doctors primarily recommend the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For this purpose, they resort to the help of special tablets and ointments. If the pain becomes painful, patients are given intramuscular injections. If your knees hurt a little, in this case when asked: "What should I do? ", every doctor will advise you to use ointment. Often, when the knee joint is injured, products containing glycosaminoglycan are used. In turn, in order to remove the swelling, they resort to compresses with dimethyl sulfoxide;
- Chondroprotectors.Regardless of whether your knees hurt after running or a long walk, or against the background of other pathologies, only an experienced doctor can advise what to do. However, the general recommendation for all patients for pain relief is to take medications with chondroitin and glucosamine. Thanks to their use, it is possible to speed up the cartilage tissue renewal process, prevent oxidative stress and ensure the growth of healthy cartilage cells. In addition, chondroprotectors contribute to a faster rehabilitation period after an injury, minimize the likelihood of severe consequences and almost do not cause side effects. At the same time, experts recommend taking a complex with a high content of minerals and vitamins;
- Antispasmodics and vasodilators.They help improve tissue supply and also help restore connective tissue and reduce swelling. In the presence of chronic pathological processes, for example, if your knee hurts for a whole year, the discomfort returns, and you do not know what to do, you may need to take additional antibacterial therapy and immunobiological drugs.
Physiotherapy procedures
If you are wondering what to do if your knee hurts when you walk, or if the discomfort is chronic, any experienced professional will suggest physical therapy. With its help, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the use of drugs, as well as to ensure the delivery of drugs to deeper subcutaneous layers.

Physiotherapy procedures help to improve blood flow, remove pain and reduce the source of inflammation, and also normalize motor activity and ensure the removal of purulent exudate.
Even if your child's knees hurt and you're trying to figure out what to do, the following physical therapy options will be most effective:
- Effect on the body of the magnetic field;
- Laser therapy;
- Exposure to electric current in combination with medication;
- UHF;
- Application of galvanic electric current;
- Use of therapeutic mud;
- Therapeutic effects of ultrasound;
- Massage treatments;
- Paraffin therapy;
- Amplipuls therapy;
- Treatment with medicinal leeches;
- Acupuncture;
- Cold treatment;
- Diadynamic therapy and other similar procedures.
The duration of a course of physiotherapy usually reaches 7-10 procedures. However, a prerequisite before carrying out treatment measures is a consultation with a specialist.
UVT for knee pain
The UVT method is widely sought after in the elimination of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. It is based on short-term exposure to low-frequency acoustic waves on the affected joint.

A strong analgesic effect during shock wave therapy sessions is achieved through the following processes:
- Improved blood flow;
- Development of new blood vessels;
- Improved metabolism.
It should be noted that under the influence of shock waves, a reduction of fibrous processes in the tissues inside the knee joint is observed.
The highest efficiency is achieved by using the UVT method for the deposition of calcium phosphate crystals in tendons. The technique is characterized by increased safety and almost no side effects.
UVT specialists will clearly determine the number of treatments and their duration, and will also give valuable recommendations regarding the implementation of other restorative procedures.

The need to perform a puncture
If there is significant swelling, specialists remove the purulent content that limits the normal functioning and supply of the joint. To drain the exudate, a puncture is performed using a syringe under the influence of an anesthetic.
If the desired result is not achieved during physiotherapeutic interventions and medication administration, the doctor injects hyaluronic acid into the knee joint or performs a peri-articular anesthetic block. When purulent inflammatory processes are detected, drug treatment is combined with the procedure of washing the knee joint with a medicinal solution (lavage).
Surgical intervention for pain in the knee area is performed in rare cases, most often in advanced situations.
Exercise therapy for knee pain
Often, when you feel pain in your knee, experts recommend performing therapeutic exercises. By regularly performing simple exercises, the patient can quickly restore the motor activity of the joint, relieve pain and ensure optimal loading of this part of the body. These beneficial effects are achieved by improving muscle tone. You can achieve the desired result after 8-10 sessions. It is important to exclude any sudden movements during physical therapy.

The following exercises are suitable for performing at home:
- The patient assumes a "lying" position and stretches his legs forward. Then he performs alternating flexion and extension of the fingers of the lower extremities;
- While in the "lying" position, you must straighten your legs. After that, the patient turns his feet in different directions, trying to bring them closer to the floor;
- In the "supine" position and with the legs extended, the patient should try to extend the toes towards the knee joint;
- The patient assumes a "lying" position. Then he places both hands under the knee, trying to slowly bend the limb. In this case, the knee must be smoothly raised towards the chest;
- While in the "lying" position, you need to make movements with your legs similar to riding a bicycle.
Prevention measures
Questions like: "What to do if the nerve in your knee hurts? " or "What measures to take if your knees hurt after a long walk? " will lose their importance if you follow simple preventive measures. This includes:
- Elimination of infectious processes and conditions after a knee injury should be carried out under the supervision of a professional specialist;
- It is mandatory to eliminate pathological processes of a chronic or hereditary nature (gout, diabetes, tonsillitis);
- Maintain a normal weight by eliminating excessively sweet, salty and fatty foods, as well as alcoholic beverages;
- Engage in moderate exercise;
- Take chondroprotectors once a year and undergo an examination by a specialist;
- Follow the rules of healthy sleep;
- Take about 2-3 liters of still water per day;
- Eliminate any possibility of hypothermia;
- Wear only comfortable shoes and clothes;
- Avoid staying in one position for long periods of time.